Running from his room, Warren ran in excitement to the living room where his parents were with his lucky purple headband on. He kept yelling in excitement and his parents finally gave in and asked him what he was so excited about. He told them that his favorite band, Man Halen was playing at the HP Pavillion and that he wanted tickets. Warren’s dad, also being a Man Halen fan said he’d buy the tickets. This being Warren’s first concert, tells his dad he wants front row seats.

His dad goes to the ticket website and checks the prices, but finds out that the tickets for front row seats are three hundred dollars a piece. His dad tells him that they are way too expensive, but that he could get cheaper seats. Disappointed, Warren tells his dad that he has to have front row or that the concert will suck. His dad, seeing many concerts in the past, tells Warren that it’s just as fun as being in the front and that you can see the band just fine. Warren sighs and acquiesced to his fathers wishes.

Later that day Warren and his dad get ready for the concert. They get in the car and drive to the concert, but Warren says nothing for the whole car ride. As Warren and his dad make their way through the never ending crowds of people, Warren looks all around him in amazement and his dad, seeing his son’s reaction, smiles. As they get into the large arena, Warren’s eyes light up; he’s amazed how many people also love Man Halen. They sat down and waited for the concert to start and after a while, the lights suddenly turn off. Then, thousands of colored lights blast on all at once and the band appears on stage playing one of their songs! Warren then puts on his headband and yells, while jumping up and down!