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dipytch thumb

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For our photo narrative project we were required to make a photo diptych (two pictures side by side) which shows a story. The first picture had to demonstrate your characters internal conflict while the second showed the "point of no return" where the characters life will never be the same. I used my friends Nick (left) and Doug (right) for the models. In this unit we experimented with different lighting. For the first picture I had a lamp to the left and another lamp spotlighting their faces. For the second picture I only used one light which was directed at the point of interest.



binder paper

Down With Authority


Even when he was little, Ivan has always had a problem following rules. His internal conflict and problem with authority will later lead to other life changing events.

In the first picture I show Ivan and his father. Ivan has broken a glass and his father is scolding him. By the look on his face you can tell that he is angered or frustrated, not by the fact that he broke the glass, but by the fact that his father is being a controlling authority figure. This shows that there is some internal source of confusion or disobedience. The second picture shows Ivan a few hours later putting the same broken glass under his fathers pillow in an act of retaliation. This represents the "point of no return" in which his life we be changed forever based on the how he is currently acting.