Things I Have Learned in My Life So Far

1. Cheerleading is a sport.

2. Over-analyzing situations ends up ruining my experiences.

3. I used to be insecure about my scars, but now I appreciate their true beauty.

4. For me, spontaneity is almost always better than having a plan.

5. Society’s standards of relationships almost destroyed my definition of love.

6. Music should be valued by passion, not sound.

7. Pretending I am happy doesn’t eliminate my problems.

8. The consequences of taking a risk are better than never taking one at all.

9. I will no longer let others manipulate my thoughts, personality, and esteem.

10. Shame only hinders oneself from personal progress.

11. Holding high expectations of others ultimately leads to disappointment.


For my first podcast, I decided that I would take a simple and clean route, rather than trying to fit in too many fancy loops, effects, etc. I used the same intro and outro in this podcast, which was a piano loop in GarageBand. I chose this certain loop because I felt it embodied a calm and peaceful mood, which is what I wanted my audience to feel while listening. Life, while hectic and chaotic at moments, should also be a relaxing experience. So by using a simple yet tranquil track, the whole message of my podcast will be enhanced.


I tried to follow a slightly different path while choosing my images for my podcast. Each image I feel clearly represents or associates with its corresponding statement. I attempted to create metaphors and symbols throughout my decisions. For example, when I say “Shame only hinders oneself from personal progress,” I wanted to find an image that depicts shame and embarrassment. Using Google Images, I found a picture of a man with a box covering his head. I thought this represented my statement perfectly because the idea of covering up ones face coincides with shame.

This podcast was actually my first one ever made. While I was incredibly confused and overwhelmed by the vast amount of options at my fingertips, the experience was amazing. Words cannot describe well enough how happy I was throughout my work. Hopefully my new found love and appreciation of podcasts will enable me to improve my skills.









2010 © Julia White. Freestyle Academy.

All rights reserved.
