A diptych is two juxtaposed images that usually connect metaphorically somehow, even if they appear very different. For part of the design portion of our Self-Portrait unit, we had to create our own diptychs. We chose two photographs from our photoshoots that both visually represented ourselves. My photographs were based upon one of the "Ten Things I Have Learned So Far," which is that "over-analyzing situations ends up ruining my experiences."


Destroying a House of Cards

Destroying a House of Cards

For my self-portrait project, I chose to depict a lesson I have learned in my life so far, “over analyzing situations ends up ruining my experiences." When it comes to various social circumstances, I often find myself caught up in an emotional whirlwind composed of worry and stress; paving myself a path to disappointment. I portrayed these emotions through juxtaposed photographs of a house of cards and a text message.

The process of successfully constructing a house of cards is extremely strenuous, time-consuming, and demanding. All of one's hard work and time can be easily wasted with a single movement. This process represents my personal anxiety before a situation. My mind is congested with racing thoughts and fears. Before it's too late, my worrying has prevented me from fully experiencing what life has to offer. Once it all crumbles, there is nothing but desolation and regret.

Text messaging is easily one of the most popular means of communication for my generation. Ambiguous questions and statements can lead to a great amount of unnecessary tension. Not knowing how to properly formulate an important message to someone is also a huge struggle. Revealing one's personal thoughts, secrets, or confessions is a daunting matter, especially through a text message. The uncertainty of reading text instead of listening to words is extremely different and can lead to potential misinterpretations--which is what I worry about the most because I fear others misinterpreting me and never giving me another chance.













2010 © Julia White. Freestyle Academy.

All rights reserved.
