

Self-Portrait Illustration






For my self-portrait illustration I'm showing my positive and negative side of me. I'm a very blunt and honest person, which I perceive as being a negative quality about myself, since my honesty can be offensive to others. Sometimes when I say something it might actually hurt someone really deeply. Although being honest is usually a good thing, sometimes, it is necessary for people to tell white lies to keep their relationship tight. I can’t; my honesty is the biggest obstacle in my life. I can't control it.


The pink flower and the cactus represent me. Because the pink flower is exposed clearly, everyone can tell that it's not hiding anything and can be trusted. The cactus's sharp needles show the pain when people get the truth out of me. I just hurt them. Still they trust me because I reveal the truth.


2010 Copyright © Rida-hareem Ilyas. All rights reserved.