

Self Portrait Photo




In my diptych, I’m showing the fear in my relationship with my friends and family. The up and downs that has been through my life, seeing people getting hurt and care by me. Sometimes when I care too much it tends to lead to hurting people. Dogs sometimes can be fun to play around. but then sometimes they might bug you, when you don't feel like spending your time with them. So the dog represents me in both pictures. The one on the left it shows that I’m pretending that I don’t want to get nosy about my friend's problems, or forcing them to tell me their feelings. On the right side it shows that they’ve been hurt by my selfishness by getting in to their businesses, but I really care about them. I want to be myself and not hide the caring side of me, because getting to show your feelings makes me happy. It shows me how much they trust me but then I always have this confusing fear in me whether I should be open to my friends or not, if I try both of them there is always someone that's sad.

2010 Copyright © Rida-hareem Ilyas. All rights reserved.