10 Things I've Learned So Far



In english we were dicussing which of the sayings that we had heard throughout our lives applied most to our lives and personality. We then took this assignment and made a podcast out of it combining a recording of ourselves saying our sayings, and images we fel represented them.



  1. Make more opportunities than you see
  2. Live in the moment
  3. Winning isn’t everything, but wanting to win is
  4. The sky is the limit
  5. Dream of the future not of the past
  6. Some times you have to Step back a little to leap further
  7. When one door closes another one opens
  8. The best way to prepare for life is to begin to live
  9. Be your own person
  10. If you think you can, you can, and you will


Things I Have Learned So Far Explanation
There are many different parts of my things I've learned so far podcast, and each one contributes its own meaning to the podcast as a whole. First, the things I have learned are, Make more opportunities than you see, Live in the moment, Winning isn’t everything, but wanting to win is, The sky is the limit, Dream of the future not of the past, Step back a little to leap further, When one door closes another one opens, The best way to prepare for life is to begin to live, be your own person, and If you think you can, you can, and you will. I chose a picture for each of these that I felt represented my meaning of the word well. I also switched off the sayings between the right and left channels and made them change between a men's and women's voice to make it less monotone and easier to listen too. On top of this I put a tune in the back ground that I felt went well with the voice and also represented my personality. In the end all of these different components of my podcast come together to create the final product of the things i have learned.




2010 © Sam Carmel.

All rights reserved.

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