My Self-Portrait Diptych


To go with the theme of the ten things we have learned so far, Ms. P. gave us an assignment to choose one of those things to represent in a diptych. A diptych in photography uses two pictures side by side to prove a single point. Feel free to click on the thumbnaile to see a larger version of my self-portrait diptych.




To represent my belief, that sometimes you have to take a step back to leap further, I chose to take two pictures of different aspects of the drumline that represent this idea. The first picture was a shot of a pair of sticks and a drum pad. This picture was meant to show improvement as drum pads are used for practicing. This photo represents me well, because I spent much of my freshmen year on a drum pad practicing; not only in drumline but in many other subjects as well. This photo is able to represent all of the areas that I need to improve in , because the drum pad can be used to represent practice in what ever subject you choose to apply it to.
This picture will be accompanied by one of the whole drumline, playing as a group on drums rather than a pad. this picture now shows I was able to work my way up to playing on a drum as part of the line. So, in this representation practicing on the pad was the step back and then the leap forward was joining the line to play now that I had improved. This relates well to my main idea, now the unity of the drumline playing as a whole can be used to represent any improvement I have made in life.


2010 © Sam Carmel.

All rights reserved.

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