
Introduction to Documentary:
The first mini project that the film class did was the mockumentary. The purpose of this assignment was to practice essential interview questions in order to make our real documentary as perfect as we could. My group, Casey S and Turlough M, had a fun idea that we wanted to bring to life. Here is the final product.

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We started this project off with a goal in mind. My partner, Josh and I wanted to make a visually appealing and interesting documentary, a step up in quality from our previous product, the Narrative Project. Now, after finishing the final product, I can say that I am pleased with the outcome. We had a very organized story line, and were able to get appealing b-roll to show our audience. I really enjoyed being able to work with a partner that was motivated and able to work well with me in order to make a good documentary.
The project started on February 25th, and just recently ended on May 15th. Within this long time period, I was able to write a full documentary paper with quotes from the interview transcripts and other secondary sources.
After initially researching various topics, Josh and I decided to make our documentary about weightlifting. We both shared an interest in the sport, and had the resources to be able to provide our audience with a well planned documentary. Two of our close friends are avid weightlifters, and we interviewed them in addition to two professional weightlifters.
Throughout this project I can look back and say that I grew a lot in film making. I was able to learn more about how to use a camera well, and shoot visually appealing interviews and b-roll.

Here are our three interviewees for this documentary.

The first person we interviewed was Eric Carlson. He is a junior at Los Altos and a prominent weightlifter.

The second person we interviewed was Richard Esparza. He is the weightlifting coach at Mountain View High School.

The third person we interviewed was John Larson. He is also a junior at Los Altos high school and is known for always being in the gym.

Below are photos of the film making process, the people we interviewed, and the final product (TBD).

This is what our project looks like while making it in Adobe Premiere.