
Introduction: Welcome to my Reflections Page! This is the first unit of Senior Year at Freestyle, and it’s started with a banger. In film, we created a Reflections project to warm up our film-making abilities that we learned last year. In Digital Media, we started going deeper into Adobe After Effects. In English, we started writing our Common Application Essays for college.

Photo Blog Entries

Each week we were challenges to take a photo relating to a given prompt.

Week 1 : Culture

Week 2: Portrait

Week 3: Habits

Week 4- Others

Week 5: Lighting

Week 6: Inspiration

Week 7: Black and White

Mandala Creation

In Digital Media, we were tasked to create a mandala in Adobe Illustrator, using specific tools to achieve that specific level of art. Below is what mine turned out to look like.

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Here is a video revealing how I created the Mandala.

Perspective Piece

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This is my Perspective Piece Video

Our assignment was to write a piece about something we felt passionate about, almost like a rant. Here, I ranted about phones nowadays.

Film – Reflections

Mr. Flo pls upload ty