short story
projects btn



The short story assignment was to be as creative as possible. The rules to this assignment was very

simple. Be creative, have a conflict, and have a reslution. You can come up with plenty of stories with

those rules! Here are some of mine. Hope they make sense to you...Enjoy!

Love Of Mother Nature

Andres loves clouds and has always dreamed of chilling on a cloud with mother nature. One night, he falls asleep on the grass next to a tall pine tree. He is now on a cloud, sitting on the edge with a tree. They have a conversation as they look down on the cities. As he is on the grass near the roads, he sleep walks. He wakes up, and is still on a cloud with nature, following his dream.

The Unfortunate Name

Clyde and Lydia argued for 9 months over their first baby's name. The couple's therapist told them to figure it out once the baby arrives. As Lydia was giving birth, screaming Clyde's name with pain, Clyde was yelling at Lydia.
"It's a girl!" the doctor said.
"Clyde!"..."Lydia!" CLYDIA!...perfect
...Clydia had a traumatizing adolescence.