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I used to have a lot of pets. I wanted to be a vet or an Alaskan dog sled racer who grew her own giant vegetables or something like that, but after many long years of taking at least partial responsibility, I have discoverd that I no longer have any desire to own my own farm. I'm not saying that I don't like animals. In fact, I enjoy their company most of the time. But I should really get to the point.

This is Wendell. The best little doggy in the whole wide world. He used to be black, but old age has caught up with him. Also responds to "Wen-Wen" and "Window."


This is our cat, Wilson. He likes to play with Wendell, but I guess it's really more the other way arond.


Me and some goats. From left to right: Marla Bell, Cinnamon, and Sage. They all used to be mine, but they are now in various states of sale or lease. I'm downsizing.


This is Lord Snow. I sold him, but he still holds a special place in my heart. He's named after the character in Geroge R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire.

I also have some chickens, a mouse, a few fish, and more goats. I used to have a lot more. I had a tortoise, a snake, a duck, rats, like 30 mice, and other things.


Copyright 2008 Anna S. All rights reserved.