Color Without Color

This is the photograph I took, and subtracted the color.

This week’s challenge was story telling, and so we had to take a colorful image and make it in black and white. I chose a street with a traffic light and a lot of colorful signs, and cars. It was in the morning and busy, on my way to school. I think it is successful in demonstrating a narrative. I’m really happy with the end product.

Who Inspires You

An image of the beach with several people walking barefoot in the distance.
An image of the beach with several people walking barefoot in the distance.
I took this picture in Santa Cruz with my family.

In this challenge, we were asked to take a photograph of the people who inspire us. I chose an image that I took of my cousins and my brother while we were in Santa Cruz, on the beach. I feel that this represents my family, and they inspire me and motivate me to create things I’m passionate about.


A photograph of a soda can in darkness, with a bright light illuminating it.
A photograph of a soda can in darkness, with a bright light illuminating it.
An image of an empty soda can, taken using lighting and flash.

The challenge corresponding to this photograph was composition, and we were tasked with using lighting as an element in the image. I decided to just take an empty soda can I had lying around, and placed it in a dark room. I used flash and took pictures in several different angles to experiment the way the light fell on it, ultimately deciding on the image above. I feel the lighting and the shadows work to focus attention on the can, tying into the composition.

Friends and Family

An image with a game controller, glasses, and a pencil on top of a notebook.
An image with a game controller, glasses, and a pencil on top of a notebook.
An image which I feel represents my brother, including items such as a controller, glasses, pencil, and notebook.

For this challenge, we were supposed to develop our storytelling skills, and we were asked to take a picture in which would tell the story of one of the people we know, friends or family. I chose to represent my younger brother. He studies a lot, which is why I had a notebook and a pencil to represent his scholarly side, and how he works hard. He wears his glasses constantly, so I felt it necessary to include a pair of glasses, even though they are mine, I wanted to have it in the image. Then there is a video game controller since my brother is a huge fan of video games and plays them all the time, along with balancing the schoolwork. I feel I kind of represented that balance in the image, relating to the element of storytelling.

Habits- Good or Bad

A picture of a page of a blank sketchbook, with earbuds and a pencil placed in the photograph.
This is a photo I took of my sketchbook.

The week’s photo challenge involved taking a picture of one of our habits, whether they be good or bad. I took a picture of a blank page in my sketchbook with my earbuds placed on it. It shows that I like to doodle a lot, or write, while listening to music. This particularly demonstrates the prompt of inspiration, since music often inspires me in my works.


Symmetrical Faces

An image of a face, on one side edited to make both sides symmetrical based on the left side of the face, on the right is the reciprocal of that.
I took a photo of myself and edited it in Adobe Photoshop to make each side symmetrical.

The week’s photo challenge was centered around the idea of symmetry. We were asked to take a picture of a face and to make it symmetrical in Photoshop, using the tools to reflect each side and see the difference. I used my face, and the resulting image above shows that my face is not as symmetrical as I thought, with me looking like a different person on each side. Symmetry is a important part of composition and techniques of photography, since the human eye as been said to find symmetry appealing.

Story Telling

A picture of a street with buildings on either side leading off to the distance.
This is a photo I took while on a trip- I think it represents how my culture involves a lot of traveling.

This was an impromptu photo that occurred when I saw this empty street. I saw it was perfect to practice taking a picture, so I snapped one while keeping rule of thirds in mind, along with other design principles. This photo was selected to respond to the prompt of our culture, describing us. I think that I am a person who loves to learn about different places and ideas to my own, and so a road leading off in the distance describes that. I also travel a lot with my family, so that shows in the picture too.