The zenith project is the capstone project completed in senior year. Freestyle students choose their own project topics and methodology for completing their projects. We are meant to use the skills we have learned so far to further explore a passion.

For my zenith project, I intended to explore architectural design. This project served as a continuation of my junior exploration, in which I created and illustrated a modernist building in 3-point perspective. In comparison to my knowledge of architectural design during explorations, my understanding of the extent of an architectural project is much improved. Consequently, I incorporated aspects of the project process in; this includes site selection and model representation. My use of space and color came from what I learned in my design class.

I challenged myself to use Google SketchUp, a 3D-modeling program, to create a computerized model of my building. I had never used SketchUp before the project started, so I thought that this was a good opportunity to learn a new program.

Note: Google SketchUp deleted my files right before the project was due, so what you see below is what I managed to recreate within 40 hours. While it’s regrettable that I lost a good portion of my work, I am at least glad to have some of it left.



Video Overview

Where My House Would be Built
The View from My Designed House
A View of My Entire House in Google SketchUp
A View With Half of the Outer Shell Removed
Closeup of the First Floor
View of Entire Second Floor

The support beam extending down from the second floor (on the right) houses a cutout that can be used for storage and is also attached to a small seat.

View Of Second Floor From Just Above the Stairway

On the left side of the image, you can see the louvers (window) that look out to the balcony. I included louvers because they are ideal for ventilation.

Closeup of the Sliding Door Leading to the Balcony

All windows are double-paned for better insulation, as exemplified by the above photo.

Alternate View of the Second Floor

FreestyleAcademy ยท AveryT – Zenith Reflection