Category Archives: Composition

This photo was supposed to be framing something using natural frames. I love the contrast between the natural ivy and the wooden fence and then the metal chainlink. I think compositionally it turned out pretty well, but I do wish that I had gotten the doors a little more centered inside of the frame. It was a slight challenge to find something that worked as a natural frame, but I think I succeeded in that. f6.3 1/395 ISO 100

The prompt this week was to use props. I dragged my brother out to do a mini photo shoot as he is a pretty avid football player and footballs seem as good of prop as any. Of course, this was in exchange for me letting him take a few photos with my camera afterwards (most of which ended up being of my bad posture). I really like how the colors work together in this photo, with the brown from the football, to the white of the net, and then the person in the back. f5.6 1/330 ISO 100

One of my favorite things as it gets closer to summer time is that the berries start showing up in our back yard. This year we have lots and I am super excited. However, it will be a battle between us and the squirrels to see who can grab more. I really love the colors in this one and how the red contrasts so well with the green. This is such a fun photo, and I am really pleased with how it turned out. f4 1/165 ISO 100

This week’s photo was to be taken from a different viewpoint or perspective. I decided to get down really low to the ground and look at my dog. I am slightly allergic to grass, so being super close to the ground like that quickly made me itchy all over, which wasn’t the best feeling. However I think it was really interesting just to see how low my dog gets when she takes a nap and just kind of flops to the ground. I’d imagine seeing her face so large close would be terrifying for all of the bugs in the grass. In this photo, she looks incredibly peaceful, and honestly I wish I could nap as easily as she can. f7.1 1/165 ISO 100

I have never done color grading before, so this was my first stab at it. The original photo already had a lot of blue, so I decided to lean into that when color grading. I added more blue into it, and gave it a more melancholic feel. I don’t know what kind of movie that this would feature in, but I would guess that it would be an establishing shot of location that the main characters enter to talk about something plot relevant. f7.1 1/165 ISO 1600

We were tasked with using the rule of odds in urban scape or architecture. I decided to use this photo of the five beams making up a bridge railing. Bridges are a staple of architecture, and one of my favorite activities as a child was doing the bridge building challenges. This particular type of bridge is called an beam bridge. All the weight supporting the bridge structure is divided between the two bases on either side of the creek. This was a fun photo to take and I really like how the raid paint chipping off appeared in the photo. f5.6 1/25 ISO 1600

Our prompt for this week was to evoke emotion using the rule of thirds. I decided to use this photo I took of this decaying flower. The contrast between the bright greens and yellows make the black/blue of the dead flower stick out a lot more. I think that this captures the emotion of sadness and a unique kind of desperation as it went from a beautiful flower to something ugly, clinging to life and the stem, attempting to convince the world that it is still alive. f5.6 1/80 ISO 1600

The prompt for this week was to fill the frame with a single color. With the rain that we have been having, it felt appropriate to fill the frame with greyscale. I really liked how the small red lights contrasted which, despite breaking the single color rule, helped to add interest into the photo. This was a really fun photo to take, though being in a moving car made it a challenge to keep the camera steady. I really like how it came out! f4 1/80 ISO 125

The task for this week was to look at symmetry in faces. I was really surprised that the faces weren’t as symmetrical as I assumed they would be. At the same time, I have to wonder whether the difference might be because I am not perfectly aligned with the face I was taking a photo of. Regardless, this was a really interesting exercise to do. f5.6 1/80 ISO 2500

The inspiration for this photo for this photo blog was finding geometry in the world around is. I live in Silicon Valley, which is where a lot of tech giants have their headquarters. Often the style of buildings for their work offices, especially places like Apple, have very clean geometric designs. The design of the building isn’t that complex, but layering a whole bunch of rectangular prisms makes it look really sophisticated and modern. Personally, I like this style a lot, but that might just be my own preference.
