Author: charlies


This photo was actually special because I believe it was more at sunrise, when I was out fishing with my friends on the lake, which was a very special moment for me. I like how the sun contrasts the water and there is that line that goes down the middle of the water of light,…
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Weight or Mass

This photo I believed was a nice contrast of the light feeling of the distinct clouds int he background with the bright light from the sun, with the very dark background along with the trees that form this feeling of lightness and darkness and heaviness. I used the highest amount of settings on the camera…
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Symmetry Landscape

This photo was taken at our lake house up in Tahoe during sunset, and it is very peaceful and serene place, that is almost completely empty. I though it would be the most symmetric landscape photo that I could take, without using photoshop or other tools to artificially make it fit the criteria more. I…
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Sport Stories

This was a sport story that I created with my sister. who i forced to model for me, by shooting the basketball. I think the look on her face of distain is kind of funny, because she didn’t really want to do it, and I promised her that I would play Ping Pong with her…
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I am feeling very calm and zen and I think that there is nothing more calm then this place at this time. Up in the Sierra Nevada Forests is a quiet little lake amongst millions of trees and large peaks that the sun sets on every night. During this sunset, the lake becomes really calm…
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Rule of Thirds Motion

This picture that I took represents the rule of thirds and how the eye is attracted to each different area. Multiple area of composition allow for it to draw the audiences eyes. One for example is that the apple is in focus while the background is out of focus, it is also placed not directly…
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This image says a lot about my favorite hobby out of everything that there is. My favorite sport, social activity, and alone time, all is skiing. When it comes to Skiing you get to select your own path for everything an you have the option not to rely on anyone else for anything. You also…
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