



Art Piece



The goal of the experimental unit here at Freestyle Academy was to express ideas through unconventional methods of art. For the theme of my unit, whichwas loosely linked between my three classes here was movement in the world. More specifically, in my English and Web/Audio classes I focused on movement in relationships between people, and in my graphic design class I focused of the physical movement of the Earthand how movement is essential to life. My assignments were to create a poetry packet in English (over 125 lines) that revolved around my theme, to write three songs using GarageBand that went along with three of my recorded poems, and to create an experimental art peice that added a visual aspect to my main theme.


baby with screws


Here is my statement for the unit.


I’m interested in movement, and how it seems to be with us consistently as people throughout our lives. I feel like movement, for me, is really a synonym for life in a way, because with movement comes change, and change is what keeps my life interesting and worth living. My art piece for this unit demonstrates this movement through the juxtaposition of a businessman in an empty field. The businessman is representative of movement in the world, while the field is the opposite – a place you would think could be called completely still. Because these two very different things are united together, with movement still existent inside the businessman, it shows the victory of movement over stillness, and how unavoidable movement is in life.