Dragos Andrei Popescu


I am Dragos Andrei Popescu, a Design student at Freestyle Academy. I’ve always had an interest in designing logos and symbols, starting off with flags in my early teens. I also sometimes experiment with mediums other than digital art, but more often than not I stick to digital artwork simply due to my passion for it.

I wished to showcase a piece of work that represented the general style of art I make – logos, labels, and other similar items. I decided on the Product Label Design Project simply because of how proud I am of it, and wanting to evolve my style further.

I eagerly look forward to your feedback, and hope that you can give me ways to improve my work in the future.

Product Label Design


I personally feel that I have improved greatly over the months, but I feel that I could try to make my art more unique, though im not exactly sure how to do this. Despite this, I feel that I have progressed far more than i couldve have ever imagined when I began freestyle, and im greatly satisfied with my work throughought the years. My skills in this field have never improved faster, and I am excited to see what the future holds.