

As I understand it, the Zenith Project is generally a project that gives seniors one last opportunity to discover, research, and create something they have found interesting. During my freestyle journey, I have learned so much. The Zenith project was created in order to fixate on one of the things I learned.

For my Zenith Project, my partner, Leila, and I decided to make our own song and create a music video for it. We wanted to make a song that kind of mocked “emo-2000s breakup songs,” so e exaggerated a lot of the lyrics. I have always loved making music videos, but I never really had much experience with writing and producing songs.

This project was a new challenge for me because song-writing is so much harder than I thought it would be. We struggled with writing a catchy melody and working with Adobe ProTools. Since Leila plays a piano, it helped when trying to find the right chords. My partner and I really worked well together because we bounced off of each other’s ideas. I really think that’s what freestyle is all about. Working together to make something even better. And although the song is supposed to be a joke, I learned a lot from this project. ProTools is always something I struggled learning about, but I chose to work with it and reteach myself the stuff I had forgotten. In the end, all of it was worth it because we made people smile.


The Finished Product

Soulless Vampire/Yeti by EmmaS and LeilaB