✰About Me✰

My name is Eva D’Antonio and I’m currently a junior at Mountain View High School. My hobbies include sewing, playing video games, and messing around with my friends. I appreciate all aspects of art and I love being creative. I’d like to attend a school for fashion design when I graduate so I try to incorporate design into everything I do.

Outside of school I like creating my own garments and accessories. I learned to sew when I was six and since then my dream has been to study at Parsons in Manhattan. The past few summers I’ve been helping teach kids ages 6-9 how to sew and create their own projects. Animals are a big part of my life. I have two cats named Freya and Loki. I enjoy Norse mythology so I named Freya after the goddess of love and beauty, and Loki after the god of mischief. My family and I believe they live up to their names. 

This year at school I hope to maintain decent grades in all my classes and become more involved in the freestyle community. My favourite class that I’m taking at Mountain View is AP Environmental Science, even though the work load is a lot. I hope to stay on track doing all my homework and do well on the AP exam. I’m looking forward to starting my portfolio and hopefully by end the of the year I’ll have created some pretty cool things.