
By evanm

[1/100 f.5 ISO 200] This is a stop-sign. You may have thought that it’s some sort of other language, but its actually flipped. I didn’t do that in post though, I was actually standing on a rock and like bending my whole body because I thought I was Avante Garde. Also, if you didn’t connect…


By evanm

[1/100 f.4.5 ISO 200] This is my representation of “Exit”. In the words of whoever Mr. Flo quoted: “Every exit is an entry to somewhere else”. I thought this showed that since you can use your car to get away, but they can also take you to new places, so it had that double-meaning of…


By evanm

[1/100 f.5 ISO 200] This is a pretty pink flower I found near my house. I thought it would be fitting for the Flower Photo Blog since its a flower. There was also some purple flowers next to it, but I chose this one since it was the brightest group of flowers I’ve ever seen.…


By evanm

[1/125 f.8 ISO 100] This was a photo of a total stranger but he was wearing a cool shirt and seemed like a chill guy. I felt kind of weird taking a photo os a random person so I just flanked him and took a photo of his back. Originally I was going to take…


By evanm

[1/125 f.9 ISO 200] In this photo I experimented with the angle of actually sitting on the swing to take the photo. I think it turned out pretty cool and it feels like you’re on the swing when you see the photo. I also experimented with taking the photo as I was swinging but it…

tell a lie

By evanm

[1/60 f.5.5 ISO 200] This photo tells a lie because looking at it it seems this tree is dead. It has no leaves and there are even spiderwebs between the branches to add to that notion. However, this was just the very top of the tree and just a little down there was bright red…


By evanm

[1/200 f.8 ISO 200] For this blog I photographed “serenity”. I ended up choosing 2 photos because I liked them both. The top one I took laying down in my driveway and just took a photo of the sky as I looked up. Anyone walking by probably thought I was weird but I liked how…

Rule of odds

By evanm

[1/125 f.8 ISO 400] For the rule of odds, where you photograph an odd number of subjects(1, 3, 5, etc.) I wanted to find ideally 3 cool looking subjects. I looked around for a while but I couldn’t find anything great so I settled on this strange tree in someones yard. It looked like it…


By evanm

[1/320 f.8 ISO 100] This photo captures aging because theres many many cracks in the road. It looks real old. I took this while walking around barefoot because Im currently training my feet to be very strong. Had I panned the camera down just a smidge then you would see my dirt grabbers.

Golden Hour

By evanm

[1/250 f.8 ISO 400] This is my Golden Hour Photo. The Golden Hour is sunset or sunrise, and this is the sun setting. This photo was taken in Rancho San Antonio Space Preserve on top of a hill in the park. Unbeknownst to the viewer, my friends were actually making out just outside of the…