
Introduction The humor project is all about analyzing comedy we enjoy and asking why do we laugh at that? What techniques did this person use? How can I apply this to my own project? We asked all of these questions and researched our favorite “humorists” and then we made a project. I really loved writing …

54 future

It’s finally here. The end and the beginning. My time at Freestyle is almost over, but a new era has just begun. We finally have moved into the new building, and it is beautiful. It is already starting to feel more personal after teachers have started moving their possessions into their classrooms, so I can’t …

53 frame within the frame

For this prompt I thought having trees as frames would be good, and it just so happened that a squirrel was posing in between these two trunks. I love taking pictures of animals so this made me really happy!

52 self portrait

We were instructed to take a photo of ourselves in the eyes of others, so I thought this represented me fairly well, in the sense that most people see me as a cheerful person, someone who is silly often. While this is a true, I also have a quieter more reflective side that most people …

51 food

I don’t think there’s a more satisfying feeling when eating fruit or vegetables when you know that they were grown in your backyard. We have many types of fruits, but I think our strawberries are probably the most vibrant other than the oranges, which is why I chose to photograph a strawberry.

50 using props

For this photo, I looked at the linked article to get some inspiration, and I noticed that the photographer used common objects, sometimes in groups, as props for their photos, whether it be leaves or marbles. What I decided is to use something that I have a lot of – bottle caps. I also have …

49 modern convenience

I think this is one of my best examples of using things I have on hand to create a pretty neat looking photo. I was sitting in my physics classroom and saw this dark tabletop and knew it would be perfect for a fake product advertisement. It also worked especially well since my “product” was …

48 current events

This prompt could be interpreted as world events, but I chose to go for the approach of an event happening to all of us at Freestyle. Whether you fear or respect Jake Custodio, there’s no doubt his name will go down in Freestyle history. He has a tremendous presence on campus, has planned events, and …

47 creative staged

I thought that having a ball falling would be a cool thing to stage, and although it’s not really in focus, I still think it’s neat to see it practically floating.

46 deadly sins

Sloth is one of the deadly sins, and although my dog is usually full of energy, here she is resting. While I don’t think she was resting without reason, I still decided to use this photo.