
Photoshop Watercolor Painting

This assignment was particularly enjoyable because of how many different brushes I got to use. It was really fun to experiment with all of the watercolor brushes and see something that really had texture, something I never really had before in my digital art pieces. I think I made great uses of the brushes, such as thicker and more opaque ones for the girl, salt brushes for the snow, and more transparent brushes for the purple clouds in the back. I think the character’s red hair especially contrasts well with the cool colors, and also the ice mountains against the deep blue night sky.

Film Noir Photo Blog

I think this picture was the last one I would’ve expected to use as my “Film Noir” photo, as it was taken in broad daylight. After experimenting with filters in Photoshop with this photo, I knew it had to be this one. I am very pleased with this result, as there is a lot of contrast, the two men’s faces are hidden, and it just looks very ominous overall.

3D Layered Art Lightbox

I think the heat and intensity can really be felt in this one, not just because of the color, but how the scene paints the picture of the flying cities being attacked and slowly falling. Since I knew that details wouldn’t be shown as well, I decided to just make all of the assets silhouettes, which worked out well. That meant I could focus more on designing more objects and less on how detailed they were. I think my favorite part of the project was choosing where everything went, not just in terms of the x and y axis on the digital version, but also which layer the physical assets were in once they were printed out.