52 self portrait

We were instructed to take a photo of ourselves in the eyes of others, so I thought this represented me fairly well, in the sense that most people see me as a cheerful person, someone who is silly often. While this is a true, I also have a quieter more reflective side that most people …

49 modern convenience

I think this is one of my best examples of using things I have on hand to create a pretty neat looking photo. I was sitting in my physics classroom and saw this dark tabletop and knew it would be perfect for a fake product advertisement. It also worked especially well since my “product” was …

46 deadly sins

Sloth is one of the deadly sins, and although my dog is usually full of energy, here she is resting. While I don’t think she was resting without reason, I still decided to use this photo.

43 film noir

This picture was taken during the day but I used the neural filters in Photoshop to change it into night. I also raised the contrast. I feel like this gives off the noir feel because there is a feeling of a mystery as to who these men are and what they are doing.

40 new year light

For this photo, I did not get the chance to take long exposure photos of something new years related like sparklers or fireworks. There were also no stars out the night I took this photo. What I did is set the shutter speed to a few seconds and shook the camera around so the lights …

37 seasons

Darkness is something that is ever present during the season of winter. But inside our homes there is a warmth that brings everything together. That is what I wanted to show here.

34 color without color

I think a Christmas tree is an easy way to show color without color, it is hard to imagine a Christmas tree without colorful lights.

31 friends and family

I thought these plants were a good representation of my mother because she is someone who wants to take care of things and make sure they are healthy, whether they be plants or people.

25 freedom

For this prompt, I wanted to photograph something with wings. I think wings are a great way to represent freedom because flight opens up so many new places to go. With the power of flight, you can go almost anywhere. The bee is not confined or trapped in any way; it is simply living its …

22 stranger

When you usually think of strangers, you probably don’t often think of your family. However, in this case, I believe it still fits. I never met the owner of this sword, and I never will, as he is long gone. Just because we share blood does not mean we cannot be strangers. I may know …