35 rule of thirds emotion

The emotion here is actually a lack of emotion, this person is holding on to something that is empty and that does not care for the person’s existence. It is just out of reach of freedom, of the outside world. It is dark, but it holds promise.

34 color without color

I think a Christmas tree is an easy way to show color without color, it is hard to imagine a Christmas tree without colorful lights.

33 who inspires you

When someone who inspires me comes to mind, I think of my sister. This photo is of the lights in her room. I think it represents her well because although she mostly wears black, I think that the colorful lights represent her mind, she is very intelligent and I look up to her.

32 fill the frame

For this photo, I wanted to use an object that would have a similar color to the light so that the photo would appear to be all mostly one color, I also used shadow to create some interest so that it didn’t look so flat.

31 friends and family

I thought these plants were a good representation of my mother because she is someone who wants to take care of things and make sure they are healthy, whether they be plants or people.

27 exit

We all face exits in our lives. There are times where we must leave the familiar and journey into the unknown. However, most of the time, exits are not so dramatic or poetic, you simply leave your home to go to a nearby place. Even so, exits are important because they provide a physical sense …

26 geometry

Geometry can be found in many places, but architecture is one of the places where it is most prevalent in human-made creations. In this case, our kitchen has a geometric pattern as its tile. The shape that repeats is created in such a way that they fit together like a puzzle. To add variety, they …

25 freedom

For this prompt, I wanted to photograph something with wings. I think wings are a great way to represent freedom because flight opens up so many new places to go. With the power of flight, you can go almost anywhere. The bee is not confined or trapped in any way; it is simply living its …

24 tell a lie

Our prompt was to prove that “the camera never lies” wrong. I wanted to do something that wasn’t incredibly obvious, although looking back I may have failed at that. The “lie” is that the fire hydrant was originally yellow but it looks orange. It is not really a harmful lie, but a lie nonetheless.

23 leading lines two

I was going to the kitchen to look for a food that had some leading lines, and at that moment my mother happened to be cutting onions. I took a look at how they were sliced and realized I could use them. The focus is on the onion in the front, but if you follow …