22 stranger

When you usually think of strangers, you probably don’t often think of your family. However, in this case, I believe it still fits. I never met the owner of this sword, and I never will, as he is long gone. Just because we share blood does not mean we cannot be strangers. I may know …

21 serenity

To me, serenity means peace and free of worries. I think my cat perfectly shows that in this photo, as she is in a relaxed position and has her guard down. The best rest is achieved when you are at a state of peace because it will help you fall asleep faster and let go …

20 rule of odds

I thought this would be a good way to show the rule of odds, as the green contrasts with the dullness of the rocks, making it stand out more. I like these little guys and plants because they’re small and cute.

19 aging

I thought to show aging, I would show a picture of my parents when they were younger and what they look like now to provide a contrast. The picture that they are holding is about 30 years old. They were at a wedding.

18 no filter

For this prompt we were instructed to take no filter. I decided to take a look in our garden and happened to see our cat. I thought she would be a great subject. I happened to get a shot of when she was sticking her tongue out.

17 negative space

I used negative space in this prompt to show a split between two people. Because you cannot see their faces, you have to use their body language to assume how they feel. The darker part at the bottom can be interpreted in many ways. I myself see it as a bridge.

16 shadow

For the shadow prompt, I thought I would have at least one object that was hidden from the camera that only showed its shadow. I decided to use my hand. The other object I showed was fully visible, including its shadow. I wanted to create a threatening image using my hand, as if I was …

15 anonymous

A hacker was what came to my mind when I heard “anonymous”. After all, there is a hacker group with that very name. I wanted to make it look creepier by only showing half the face and washing everything in a crimson light. The monitor also had a glitch effect on it, but it is …

14 center frame portrait

To create loneliness, I needed to create something that showed how the subject was isolated. I thought the indoor space would be a great way to show isolation, especially with the window, as it knows there is an outside world but is trapped on the inside, alone. The dark world outside with specks of light …

13 new beginnings

When I think of new beginnings, I always think of plants. They are almost always the first organism to appear in an area. I normally would have chosen a plant that was just starting to grow, but I think this works just as well. It is also a reference to the game Animal Crossing: New …