21 serenity

To me, serenity means peace and free of worries. I think my cat perfectly shows that in this photo, as she is in a relaxed position and has her guard down. The best rest is achieved when you are at a state of peace because it will help you fall asleep faster and let go …

18 no filter

For this prompt we were instructed to take no filter. I decided to take a look in our garden and happened to see our cat. I thought she would be a great subject. I happened to get a shot of when she was sticking her tongue out.

15 anonymous

A hacker was what came to my mind when I heard “anonymous”. After all, there is a hacker group with that very name. I wanted to make it look creepier by only showing half the face and washing everything in a crimson light. The monitor also had a glitch effect on it, but it is …

12 trash

For this photo, I decided to make it about recycling, because I am a strong believer in reusing materials whenever we can. Also, a lot of people just throw everything in the trash because they’re careless and will do anything to save just a little time. This should not be the case. Not only does …

9 white balance

For this one, I wanted to find something that was either warm toned and make it cool, or cool toned and it make it warm. In this case, the actual picture would have been much warmer toned, but due to the white balance, it now looks very cool, to show how cold the snow is.

6 weight or mass

My thought for this theme was to have something that the viewer will know is heavy, but also create a sense of weightlessness in that the object is in the air. I first thought of my cat, but it is hard to get her to jump. I thought my dog would be great for this …

3 mood

I thought this image was a good one to represent my mood because the light represents that I am hopeful. I am hopeful for my future and for others. The tree represents people. The roots are where we come from(our background) while the branches show how we develop our own interests and passions on our …