Narrative 2

World Building in English

I was very excited when I first learned that we were doing a world building project in English. I created a world eight years ago that I didn’t do much with, so this was my chance to finally to develop it. The good news was that I did have somewhat of a story to go off of, since I wrote part of it during 6th grade, two years after I created the first characters. I also scrapped and changed some of the characters to fit better. Of the original concept arts, there were fifteen characters, but I only ended up keeping six of them in the end. I had been working a bit on my world this year, due to some of my friends having worlds of their own, but this was truly my chance to make it come to life.

The first thing I did when I remade my world was making a new main character. I’m happy with her design overall, I think she has some traits that make her interesting, such as her hobby of messing around with mechanical things, and the fact that she lives with just her mother. Also, the name is probably one of the most unique for my characters, her name is Verene. I also created one new character.

The idea I had for my world, involving magic, was that there were stones that could absorb energy and convert it into a different type of energy or even into matter. There were seven stone types, each one representing a color of the rainbow. I also reworked the idea for the nation that Verene came from, which had flying cities, which were initially supposed to be held up by magic but I changed it so that there were mechanisms keeping them afloat. One of the best parts of the world building that really helped me was just naming everyone and everything, that way it was easier to keep track of all of it.

I think the most valuable takeaway from this project was the fact that it takes a while to fix up all of the inconsistencies and put in the specific details for a world. In fact, everything I’ve made up until now is mostly general ideas, I haven’t thought of many smaller scale things at the moment due to the world being so big.

Digital Media

3D Layered Art

For my 3D layered art, I decided to create a scene from the beginning of my story. This scene involves an attack on flying cities, which is why there is smoke coming out of them. All of the planes are attacking the cities. The gondola, pictured as a hexagon attached to a wire, is going to the next nation over. One of the most challenging parts was getting everything to be attached to the wall, as it was going to be printed into a physical light box and nothing could just be floating in space. A friend was the one who suggested the smoke trails to attach the planes and cities to the frame.


The Narrative II project for Film has been one of the toughest projects I’ve ever had to take on. This journey began five months ago, in October, when I first pitched my idea. Since then, things have changed a lot. My partner and I initially worked on the idea I pitched, which took place in an office, but after an actor left us, we decided to reconsider. Instead, we decided to make our story a murder mystery that took place in the woods.