
The Animatic!

Here, you'll find my animatic! Though you probably know what an animation is, you're probably wondering: What's an anamatic? Well, in a general sense, it's a very bare-boned and simplified version of the animation. Using the comic I created of my story, I used Adobe's Photoshop and Flash to gather each picture, edit them to flow together, and eventually added sound-effects. The soundeffects were both pulled from a database of noises or they were self-created using audio recorders. With the ones I made personally, I used Pro Tools to help normalize and cut off excess audio to help get only the specific noises I was looking for.

Click to view the images.


The purpose to creating this is to help an animator get a feel for their final result, the animation! I used it to help me design my props and flesh out my character from paper to pen. Without further ado, I hope you enjoy!



Click on the thumbnail to view my Animatic!