About this podcast

Artsoftwarecast is about just that, art software and other content creation software. It covers a wide variety of topics.

Podcaster Bio

I’m Iain! I attend school at Mountain View High School and Freestyle Academy, and at the time of writing am a senior. I’m interested in art and computer programming. I try to use only free software in my everyday life, which made research for this podcast episode a whole lot easier.


The podcast project was for learning how to create a podcast, an ever more popular and powerful medium for communication. I was inspired for my podcast by the idea of using only free tools to create what we’ve been making in school.


(I don’t have any pictures of recording because I was in a very cramped closet)

The final mix in Audacity


This was a difficult project for me, or at least came at a difficult time. As such, it took a bit longer than anticipated, but I’m satisfied with how it came out. I decided to use only free software to edit the podcast (Audacity) and create the cover art (Inkscape), to show that you really don’t need to pay lots of money to make this sort of thing.