This is my webgem page! A webgem is a little known piece of web content that I feel should be shared with people. These seldom-visited nuggets on the internet are valuable resources and fun ways to spend your time investigating. Fasc is an underground Euro-ski brand. It advertises custom artist designs or clothing articles that may seem outlandish, but are really the hyphy styles rocked by all the up-and-coming skiiers we see today. Their unique artistry and bold color schemes make for very intriguing articles of clothing. While their wares may be pricey, the durability and visual appeal of these hats, jackets, shirts and other accessories far outweigh the cost. The ski team that Fasc sponsors is extremely skilled in terrain park maneuvers. I would highly recommend visiting this underground site. 12/7/11 LEDkid is a little known "light-gloving" website that has much lower prices than the attempted monopolies such as "Emazinglights" which attempt to viciously dominate the gloving industry. This site stays true to the essential concept of gloving, love for the art, and self-reliance. Demonstrated through the fact that you must build your own lights from scratch, based on the components you order. While this takes veteran skill and knowledge, its exemplifies the independence and skill true gloving takes. This also drastically lowers the cost of products, often as much as twenty to forty dollars.

khan 12/1/11 Khan Academy is a fantastic resource for any academic purpose. It is a vast database of professional videos that explain almost every concept schools offer. From a walkthrough of a full year physics course to the algebra II concept you are having trouble grasping. No matter what questions you have, Khan will have you resting

easy tonight in the knowledge you have a complete understanding of your issue.


11/21/11Lakai is a well-respected skate shoe brand that offers premium quality footwear for respectable prices. The durability and comfort each shoe offers is unmatched by competitors. While still matching the hottest trends and styles, these shoemakers put quality above visual appeal, turning out some of the best footwear on the market.


11/14/11USSSA is a multi-sport organization dedicated to engaging the nation's youth in competitive, high level physical activity. In my specific case, baseball. Their site provides tournament brackets for regularly scheduled tournaments across the states, as well as providing a vast database of both individual and team statistics. Each player and team is tracked with unmatched precision and can be scouted professionally based on reports from the site.


11/2/11Soundcloud is an entirely free site dedicated to the sharing of music through an network of artists. Artists can upload their song, of any genre, and it can be listened to, downloaded, rated and commented on by viewers, often other music producers. The site plays music in playlists so as one song ends, it automatically starts the next. A fabulous resources for millions of free tunes you have probably never heard before. Whether you like Electro House, Dubstep or classic jazz, Soundcloud will fit all your musical needs.


10/31/11RAGE is a visually stunning new game from Bethesda Software that takes place in a post-apocalyptic wasteland in which the player has woken up from a long cryogenic sleep. They find themselves immediately set upon by flesh-hungry mutants as soon as they leave their "Arc." Befriended by local rebels opposing an unknown militant force, the player can perform multiple action-packed missions as they fight their mysterious enemy and attempt to gain support and money. In addition to the storyline, the game features an open world, meaning the player can do things outside of quests, such as high speed races across the wastes in sand buggies. All in all the story of the game and the graphics make it within the top three games I have ever played. As a word of caution, it does contain certain "mature" themes, namely violence and frightening enemies.


10/24/11Arbor Snowboards are high quality boards designed specifically for boarders who want to go big in the park. While the prices may seem slightly shocking, the design and components of each board makes it ideal for terrain park manuevers.

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