Our final project in Freestyle was the Zenith project. This project gave us the opportunity to explore any topic that we wanted. After our two years at freestyle it was the perfect way of showcasing all that we have learned.

For my own Zenith project, I chose to learn the art of candle making. I have always used candles in my house and in my room. Candles are something that I use almost daily so I felt it would be appropriate if I learned how to make them on my own. Beginning with just getting supplies and wax I found the process to be pretty understandable. It was easier to pour the wax into molds but I was really able to express my creativity once I began forming them with my hands and dipping it into the wax and cold water.

Although my project utilized skills that weren’t necessarily taught in any of my classes at Freestyle, my creativity and skills I’ve gained over the past two years were very helpful during my production, especially when it came to coming up with designs.

Mood Board

Final Products
