
This week our task was to take a photo that was inspired by food. I took this photo when my friends and I made our own pasta. The settings I used for this picture were F 3.5, SS 1/100, and ISO 100.


This week we had to take a photo of something that we are grateful for. I’m grateful for all the artists in the world who save us from living in a dull world. The settings I used for this photo were F 6.3, SS 1/100, and ISO 100.


For our final photo blog of the year we were tasked with taking inspiration from the “exit” and to photograph something. I took a photo of this big wooden door because doorways are always exits or entrances that lead you on to more journeys. The settings I used were F Read more…


The goal for this week was to take a photo and explore what serenity meant for us. In this photo I captured my friend drawing on the ground as the chaos of the underground bart station takes place. The settings for my camera were F5, Shutter Speed 1/64, and ISO Read more…