Early mornings aren’t my thing

My name is Jensen McDonell and I was a student at Mountain View High School as well as Freestyle Academy. I’m an explorer of life as I strive to discover new places and Ideas. My goals in these up coming years of my adolescence are to discover new passions and establish great ideas. I believe that no one person is better than another and that everyone is different and should have the freedom to express themselves in their own way. This website is how I express my differences in hopes to encourage art and self expression.

Outside of school I enjoy exploring nature, hanging out with friends, and creating art. A common place that I like to go is Santa cruz. There are many beaches and beautiful hidden nature spots that are fun to explore. Another big part of my life is my pet boxer who’s name is Louie and is one of the weirdest dogs on the planet. I also like to take the train up to San Francisco fairly often and I go with friends and we adventure throughout the city. Creating Art is something that I began doing with my Dad and Grandma from a young age and I have still been expressing my artistic abilities since.

In the years of 2022-24 in school my goals are to pass all my classes with good grades and create an impressive portfolio at freestyle to present my creations and art. I am determined to do well so I can go to college and further pursue my education that will hopefully lead into my future career. I am looking forward to the projects I will be working on this year and I am most excited for the project at the end of the year where I get to choose what I want to create.