Funny Images

Surreal Composition Project

For this project we had to create a surreal image using Adobe Photoshop. I wanted to create an image that was dystopian and I took a lot of inspiration from the movie Akira. Many of the buildings in the background were taken from shots in the movie. I wanted the city in the background to be futuresque. I’m proud of this project because I was able to use my skills in photoshop to blend multiple of the images together.

Multi-Layered Art Project

Lightbox + After effects project

The best part of my artwork Is the way the different layers create a depth effect that encapsulates whoever is looking at it. I really like how each layer of paper is only something like an eighth of an inch apart but with the lights in the background it makes the spacing appear larger. The biggest struggle for me was visualizing how the different layers in illustrator would look in real life. I made a few mistakes by covering details on previous layers with one of the layers in front of it.

Sketch of my design
Final Lightbox
Creating my 3D video