
For design we had two major projects: the book jacket and surrealist piece. For the book jacket we were asked to adapt our columns into a book jacket that was representative of our story. We took all of the columns from English, chose one, and made it into a book cover. Check out the English tab to read the columns. Next we took our surrealist games and used them to brainstorm ideas for our artwork. After we did a short surrealism unit in English, we chose words from our free writes and made them into a piece. Sadly I don't have my free writes on my website. After a complex and frustrating 15 hours of work, I finished the surrealism piece that made me proud. For the humor piece, we were asked a very simlar task to the surrealism unit: To look at our work, take some words and make a piece out of it.



Surrealism Piece


Humour Piece


Book Jacket

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