CurrentlyListening To:

Jens Lekman




I have three other immediate family members not including me.  My Mom and Dad, Barbara and Bruce and a younger brother, Joe.



My Dad, Bruce was born in Philadelphia. You know, Philly. He is the person in my family I am most alike. We both have the same sense of humor and we get along most of the time.  He loves Bruce Springsteen.  Sometimes I think he secretly wished I was born six days later so I could share a birthday with Bruce Springsteen. He hates getting touched on the ear. One time he was playing the drums on Rockband and he got a cramp in his leg after one song from doing the kickdrum too much.



My mom was born in Vancouver, BC, Canada and moved here a couple decades later. She is really the backbone of the family and without her I know we wouldn’t get anything done.  She likes Madame Butterfly and the beach. But she hates Nancy Grace. She feeds the dogs in the morning when I forget to do it, which is very nice of her.  She also likes First Nation designs. One time she got poked in the eye with one of the branches from a christmas tree and she had to wear an eyepatch for a while because her cornea got scratched. Also she can speak German.



Those are my parents. They are happy together even if my mom likes lima beans and liver and my dad hates lima beans and liver.



My brother Joey is four years younger than me. He is fun to be around and we get along great except for when we argue.  But we never argue for long.  One time he said he stuck a bead in his ear and couldn’t get it out. But we couldn’t see the bead because he had stuck it so far up his ear. So we had to go to the doctor. Luckily the Doctor was able to get it out. (That was not the first time we had to go to the doctor to get small objects out of body parts)(Mainly noses and ears).




  bruce and julia

 joe julia

joe julia



Copyright © 2008 Julia Pressman.