Currently Listening To:

Jens Lekman




At my house I have two dogs and one cat.


I have a white dog names Bitz. We have had him since I was one year old.  He is getting very old now himself, almost sixteen in human years, which is like 110 in dog years. So, yeah. He was born with defective tear ducts. So he always has brown streaks under his eyes. When he was younger we used to say “dancer!” and he would get on his hind legs like he was dancing. But he is way too old for that now.





I also have a brown dog named Cady. She is fat because sometimes she eats Bitz’s food when he doesn’t eat it quick enough.  She can be pretty pushy sometimes but she is also smart except for when we ask her not to do things she does them.  She also likes to eat peanut butter and other things including snails. 








I have a cat named Daphne. We rescued her from the animal shelter when she was about 18 months old. She is very soft and she likes it when you pet her belly. Daphne was the name the shelter gave her and I wanted to change it to Gabrielle when we first got her. My brother wanted to name her Ginger. We argued about it for a long time. We finally decided not to rename her. But if you ask me her middle name is Gabrielle. Not Ginger. NOT GINGER!







Copyright © 2008 Julia Pressman.