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Safety in Facades. Here you see two paths on a hill leading up to a facade of a house. Behind the facade is a much darker atmosphere than in front of it.  The two paths start separated but combine into one towards the top of the hill and house. This illustration is based off of my short story, a story about a couple caught in a relationship that seems fine, even safe, yet it is only destructive. The two paths represent both of the characters, the younger, innocent man, and the older married woman. They both are completely opposite, personality-wise, but once in the relationship they become similar. Both are too scared to realize they don't need each other.  The facade of the house is a symbol for their relationship. To them, it seems fine and great. A safe place for them. But behind the facade, the actual relationship, the sky is darker and an old, dying tree looms. I think that my artwork utilizes symbolism well. Every aspect of the piece has a significant meaning to the narrative I want to portray. Even though the illustration is very mediocre, I feel that my Illustrator skills have definitely increased since the Self-Portrait unit. I wish I had spent more time planning the illustration, because I spent a lot of time experimenting and then starting over.
