Narrative 2.0

For our English class we wrote the narrative that was turned into a bookjacket and also animated in WebAudio, it is basically the heart of this whole unit. While writing our narrative we also had to write it from three different perspectives. One for our omniscient POV (which is basically a narrator) and then two other for the POV of the protagonist and antagonist. The narrative was also turned into a script, which you can also find in the panels below.

Omniscient POV

The Goal: To write my story from the point of view of a omniscient "god" like figure who knows everyones thoughts and can observe everyones actions. This gave a good way to see how our story plays out when we have a narrator.

Guy Simmons, the luxurious tuxedo walked around the outskirts of “Button-Up Park”; a route that was part of his morning walk. Guy was immensely proud of his expertly woven tux and thus always walked around with his chest puffed up like a swallow. The tuxedo Guy fashioned was perfectly symmetrical; a detail that Guy was very fond of.

That day Guy decided to take a detour through an alley way, a place notorious for the gathering of boots. Guy was confident that the boots would leave him alone as they were likely to be in awe of his blinding symmetry. As Guy made his way through the alley way he noticed the boots gazing at him in jealousy at. He quietly chuckled as he was amused that the boots have never seen such perfect symmetry. Guy’s confidence rose and he began to bloat his chest up even more. As he was nearing the end of his escapade through the alley way a couple of boots blocked the exit.

Guy blurted “Out of the way, boots.”

The boot with a mocking tone introduced himself as Lobos and then replied “I think you’re in the wrong place, tux”.

Guy snickered and said “Move along now, boots.”

Guy began to stride forward as he anticipated the boots to make room for him to get through.

Although before Guy could take another step Lobos thumped a near by puddle, coating Guy in muddy water. It was if Guy was stuck by a semi-trailer at full speed. The air was forced out of his lungs, which were then quickly followed by a barrage of cries.

“What have you done?!” Guy cried.

“You ruined the symmetry!, you ruined everything!”

Lobos and his gang of boots were the ones laughing now as they trailed off, leaving Guy shaking in helplessness near the muddy puddle. Guy’s chest deflated as quickly as air being released from a balloon, his confidence was shaken. Guy waddled out of the alley and back onto the sidewalks and headed home to hop in the washer in futile hopes to restore his tuxedo to it’s past symmetrical value..

As Guy was on his journey home he saw a pair of ripped jeans in the distance making his way towards him, a crime against symmetry that Guy used to mock. Although Guy was too broken down to manage any form of insult. He felt as unfashionable as those boots he encountered earlier. He felt like a nobody, a scum of the earth. The ripped jeans greeted him.

“Hey man! Nice tuxedo! I love the look.”

Guy solemnly replied “Yeah..I know I look-”

Before he could finish his sentence the ripped jeans interrupted.

“Hip! I love the look!”

Guy was shocked to hear a compliment in his current state.

“Hip? hmmm..”

Guy regained his composure as he saw the ripped jeans pass him and head off. Guy’s chest perked back up as he decided he would not go back home.

Protagonist POV

The Goal: To Write our story soley from the point of view of the main character. We did this because it helped us visualize and see how the main character views everyone else in the story and also to dive deep into his own personal thoughts.

I strutted forth on the outskirts of “Button-Up Park”; a locale that was part of my morning walk route. I planned on showing off my glorious tuxedo today, the symmetry of it was beautiful. Admittedly I’m obsessed with symmetry, and I try to make everything symmetrical in my life. Things that aren’t symmetrical, frankly, disgust me. I can’t bear to look at them for too long.

As I continued my walk I decided that I would take a detour this time, right through an alley way. I knew this alley way was notorious for being infested by boots, the most unfashionable and asymmetrical dressed you’ll ever find. But I figured they would leave my alone, as they would be blinded by my perfect symmetry. Not to my surprise they were, I felt like a supermodel walking down a catwalk, I was juiced up with confidence and I started walking through the alley way with my chest puffed up. As I was nearing the end of the alleyway I saw a couple of boots gathering to block the exit. I figured they just wanted to gaze at my tuxedo up close.

Although, I was a tad nervous. I quickly asked them to shoo off.

“Out of the way, boots”

The biggest boot introduced himself as Lobos, with a mocking tone. He then followed up by saying “I think you’re in the wrong place, tux”.

My heart skipped a beat, but I remained composed.

“Move along now, boots”.

I began to step forward but before I could make a move I saw Lobos thump against a near-by puddle. I felt like I was hit by a semi-truck at full speed, the air was punched right out of my lungs. I was drenched in muddy water, my symmetry was runined, gone with the wind.

I impulsively blurted out “What have you done?!”

You ruined the symmetry!, you ruined everything!”

Lobos and his gang of boots trailed off, laughing at me with every step. I was shaking in the muddy water; I felt absolutely helpless. The confidence I gained when I was first walking through the alley way was now gone, I became a nobody. WIth shame creeping up on me with each step, I headed back home to my washer with futile hope in mind that I could wash get my symmetry back.

As I was walking back through Button-Up Park I saw a pair of ripped jeans in the distance. Normally I would be too averse to even look at the jeans, but at the moment I realized I was no better than anyone else. I had nothing. I wasn’t special anymore. As we were about to pass each other the jeans greeted me.

“Hey man! Nice tuxedo! I love the look.” He said.

I squeaked out a reply, “Yeah..I know I look-”

As I was about to finish the sentence he interrupted me.

“Hip! I love the look!”

Yet again I lost by breath, the compliment shocked my system. I though to myself for a second. “Hip? Hmmm..”.

His remark flattered me, the word hip resonated with me for some reason. I regained my composure and decided I would not go back home to wash off.

Antagonist POV

The Goal: To write our story from the point of view of the antagonist. This helped us see what our antagonist thinks of our protagonist, this allowed to expand on our story a bit more and learn more about our own characters.

I was stomping around in the alley way that was just off from “Button-Up Park”, us boots commonly referred to the alley as “Leatherback Way”. Mainly because the alley way was primarily inhabited by boots. Although once in a while a suit would try to take a shortcut through, although they were most likely trying to show off their fashion sense.

That’s when a suit showed up in our alley way, but it was not any suit, it was a tuxedo. Not like anything I’ve ever seen. I must admit the tuxedo was a sight, the symmetry was perfect; every thread of the expertly woven suit was in balance. It held my gaze for so long that I became jealous, I wanted desperately to become a suit as well. But then I came to my senses, I realized that I was a boot, and boots stick together. The tux was strutting along through the alley way, using our alley as a catwalk; I could see his confidence rising as others was gazing at his suit. I knew I had to put a end to it. I gathered up my gang and headed over to meet him at the exit.

The tux quickly blurted out at me. “Out of the way, boots.”

Unlike him, I introduced myself. “I’m Lobos, and I think you’re in the wrong place tux.”

He chuckled back at me “Out of the way, boots.”

He made a move forward, anticipating us to get out of his way. I couldn’t take anymore of his attitude, I swiftly made a stomp in a nearby puddle and splashed the suit with muddy water.

It was if I kicked him right in the chest, he was crippled and twitching in the muddy water.

“What have you done?!” The tux helplessly shouted.

You ruined the symmetry!, you ruined everything!”

The boots and I laughed it off, but feeling pity for the tuxedo along the way, as I saw him try to waddle towards the exit


The Goal: To write a screenplay of our story that would be used to map out our animation. If you compare the screenplay to my animation you will see that the dialouge and sequence of events are almost exactly the same. Creating a screenplay is essential if you want to make your story into an actual feature with voice actors and animation.



A luxurious tuxedo named Guy Simmons struts about with his chest held high, walking around the outskirts of a colorful and energized park full of other articles of clothing walking about.



Guy Simmons enters an alley way with the intent of taking a detour on his morning walk. The alley way is full of Boots who GAZE at Guy's perfectly symmetrical suit as he makes his way to the other end of the alley. A gang of boots block his exit out of the alley. The boot who is the head of the gang is named LOBOS JR.

GUY (1) (Blurted out) Out of the way, boots.

LOBOS (Mockingly replies) I think you're in the wrong place, tux.

GUY (Snickering) Move along now, boots.

Guy takes a step forward to the exit of the alley but then Lobos STOMPS a nearby puddle and gets muddy water all over Guy's symmetrical tuxedo.

GUY (Shaking and twitching) What have you done?! You ruined the symmetry!, you ruined everything!

Lobos and his gang exit the scene leaving Guy SHAKING in the muddy water, Lobos feels slight pity for Guy.

Guy LIMPS over to the exit of the alley, and begins to head home.


The broken and pitiful Guy manages to SLUMP back onto the sidewalks. A pair of ripped jeans are in the distance approaching Guy.

JEANS (In a greeting tone) Hey man! Nice tuxedo! I love the look.

GUY (Solemnly) Yeah..I know I look-

JEANS (Interrupting) Hip! I love the look!

GUY (curiously) Hip? hmmm...

With a hint of excitement, Guy turns around and heads out to finish his walk, satisfied with being hip and losing his symmetry.


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