
My Family

My family help me answer the question 'Who am I?' because they are the people that I have spent my entire life with. All of the things I do are influenced, in one way or another, by the things i have been taught to do by my family.

Me, my sister, and my dad in Switzerland

The evil-looking girl in the pink shirt is my sister Shringala. She is three years younger than me. Her answer to the question ‘Who am I?’ would be that she loves to play and annoy people. She is a great little sister and I enjoy being able to help her on stuff that she does.

My dad is the one in the green shirt. He is a very interesting person. He probably wouldn’t give me an answer to the question ‘Who am I?’ because he is very erratic and does what he feels like doing. He is a very interesting person because he has done many interesting things in his life. He once applied to be an astronaut, but couldn’t follow through with the program because he required eye glasses. He also played football and basketball when he was younger and often tells me stories about those times in his childhood. His greatest quality is his endless generocity. When working at charity events, he is often the first one there and the last one gone. He also lends a hand to anyone in need of help out of the kindness of his heart. My sister and my father are inseparable and I often make fun of my dad for being ‘owned’ by my sister because he usually gives in and gives her what she wants.


My mother holding me when I was a baby

Unlike my father, my mom grew up in India. She loves to be with the family and is usually the one to organize family trips. Her answer to the question ‘Who am I?’ would be that she is a caring mother who only wants the best for her children. I am definitely more of a Momma’s boy because my mother cares for me very much.