A messy stack of my sketchbooks to show who I am.
Story Telling

Photo Blog 1: Self Portrait

Take a picture of telling us who you are without actually showing your face.

a messy stack of sketchbooks
1/125 sec; f/6.3; ISO 6400

These are the sketchbooks I managed to find in my room. The earliest is 6th grade with the latest being 11th grade. I’ve been drawing since I was young, and it just stuck with me. Drawing is an outlet for me to rid of my stress and it helps pass time in classes when it starts to get boring. I’d stacked them in a messy(ish) way to show how I can be disorganized and messy person, internally and externally. My thoughts are all over the place and I can’t even keep my desk clean. I still have a long way to go at being more organized and collected.