• Storytelling


    This photo represents the feeling of warmth by the yellow tones in the dress, and the red of the heart. The background contrasts with the photo because it is very plain with blue tones. I used photoshop to enunciate the red heart and darken the photo slightly. It is telling a story of feeling of love, and also makes me think of fall because of the leaf on the statues dress.

  • Inspiration


    This photo is trying to display the mood of a motivated student studying. The lights represent the person’s fascination with learning. It is trying to tell the audience that the student is excited and almost in awe. It has an inspiring, positive mood.

  • Composition

    Rule of Thirds

    This image shows the focus of the image in the right third of the photo rather than the center. This makes the photo have more blank space. This is telling a story through the emotion portrayed and the motion. The boy (my cousin) seems to be moving and even his facial expression is in the middle of moving.

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  • Storytelling


    This photo is telling a story about myself. There are different clues that give an insight as to who I am. I like music which is shown by records in the background. There are also pictures of different places around the world to show my love for travel. The title of the book being held up says “The Beach” which is also a place I love.

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