• Inspiration

    Tell A Lie

    This week, we were asked to take a photo of something that would prove the camera wrong. I took this photo, because it looked somewhat unreal due to the rocks about to tip over.

  • Story Telling


    This week, we were asked to take a photo that made us feel free. I love the ocean, and this photo made me feel freedom.

  • Composition


    This week, we were asked to incorporate some geometry into the photo we took. This photo I took had a lot of shapes, and it had a really nice aesthetic to it.

  • Inspiration


    This week, we were asked to share a photo that felt like an exit for us. This picture made me feel relaxed and calm, almost like an exit from the world. I took this at a museum and thought it…

  • Inspiration


    For this theme, we were asked to take a photo of trash in a beautiful way. I saw this trash can, and I thought it was really pretty and I took a photo of it.

  • Story Telling


    For this challenge, we had to take a photo of something of our hometown. While I was visiting SF, this mural really captured me and I thought it was really pretty. I visit the city very often and it reminded…

  • Composition


    For this challenge, we had to capture an image that displayed balance. While I was at a museum, I took this photo in a way that created a balance between the lights.

  • Story Telling

    Love Story

    For this challenge, we were asked to take a photo of something that gives off the feeling of a love story. This photo felt dreamy and full of hope, and it made me think of a love story.

  • Composition

    Leading Lines

    For this challenge, we were asked to take a photo that contained lines that led the photo in different directions. I took this photo while I was at an art museum, and the lights reflected of the glass floor which…

  • Inspiration

    Black and White

    To show a photo filtered through black and white, I wanted it to have a creepy feeling to it. I captured the city below me with buildings in front of it to portray that look.