
In the Reflections unit, we were able to explore different aspects of our creativity in various ways. In Digital Media, we created mandala’s, painted photos in Photoshop, and much more. In English, we wrote our “This I Believe” essay, and we were able to write about something that we strongly believed and that was important to us. In Film, we were able to make a short film about anything that revealed a certain aspect of our lives, personality, or the way we think. I enjoyed this unit a lot because I was able to discover a lot about myself. I was able to go deeper into the question we were asked in the beginning of this unit, which was “Who am I?” I believe each of these projects have helped me answer that question.

Digital Media

This I Believe Production

In this unit, I created a video based on our “This I Believe” essay in English class. The purpose of this essay was to write about one thing that I strongly believe in, and how it has changed my view of the world, and how it has inspired me. After writing this essay, I recorded the audio on my digital recorder and then inputted it into After Effects. Then, I added different images and effects to go along with the audio. I valued this project because I was able to write about something I was passionate about, and then create it into a video. I was also able to improve my knowledge and skills in After Effects.

Final Video
This is a screenshot of my After Effects program. In this photo, I was creating my video using various images, recordings, and music.

Making My Path

“I want to be an astronaut! I want to be an actress! I want to be a doctor!” When I was in second grade, I remember being asked by one of my teachers what I wanted to be when I was older. Everyone in the class started thinking about what they imagined to be their dream career, but I knew exactly what I wanted to be. All I could ever imagine myself doing was becoming a famous singer! Being on stage, with the stoplight shining, all sounded magical to me. As my second-grade self told my classmates and teachers this, they all were excited for me, and never tried to talk me out of it. However, as I got older, I started to become embarrassed to tell anyone this dream. In middle school, I told one of my close friends about it, and she laughed at me. According to her, becoming a famous singer was “impractical,” and it would never come true. Eventually, my dream career changed, but I started to hear mindsets similar to what my friend believed. Teachers and adults started talking about this specific path everyone had to take to become successful. I had to “get astounding grades in high school, go to a nice college, get a job, make a decent outcome, buy a house-” and I’m sure you get the gist. I started to become stuffed into a box of expectations that society expected me to fulfill. Everything out of that box is considered impractical, but why? If I’m very passionate about something and I want to work towards that career goal, it shouldn’t be impossible. If it makes me happy, isn’t that the only thing that matters? Everyone should be able to make their own path, rather than trying to complete one someone else is telling them to do. Whether it’s becoming a doctor, traveling the world, or becoming a journalist, there are endless possibilities of what someone can become. The only way a career goal can be impractical is if you believe it is. It only takes passion and determination to accomplish anything. 

Photoshop Art

During this unit, we used Photoshop to create various types of art. I really enjoyed this project because I learned a lot more about painting in Photoshop while using a variety of different brushes and tools. It was also cool to create something that I wanted to, from my own creativity and mind.

Photoshop painting

I really enjoyed this project. Before, I had always wanted to paint using Photoshop or other programs but I never knew how. When we first started this project, I was a little intimidated because I am certainly not a good artist. Drawing has never been a skill of mine. However, I found it so fun just to paint on a tablet/computer rather than real paper. It gave me the freedom to come up with things that I may not have come up with before. This project allowed me to be creative and challenged me to come up with my own painting ideas. It also taught me to never give up. Even though I was scared to paint something due to my lack of drawing skills, I decided to just go for it and create whatever my mind could come up with. Instead of erasing everything and restarting, I just kept trying to create something that I liked. For a future project like this, I want to go really into detail into my painting. I want it to look real, and something beautiful.


In this unit, we created mandala’s through Illustrator. First, we practiced creating small designs and creating the outline of the mandala first. Then, we got to design our own mandala, which would later be printed out. We were asked to use our own creativity and make something that we liked. I was able to start drawing random lines, and it ended up making something really cool.

Mandala Reveal Build Video

Artist Statement

For my Mandala, I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to design. Instead of trying to plan something, I just decided to use my creativity and not really think of what I was drawing. I ended up making more of a floral pattern and trying to incorporate flower looking shapes to the outside of it. I really enjoyed just drawing something without having a plan. It ended up being something I was proud of!


In our latest film unit, we were asked to create a video essay that displayed our authentic way of thinking. It had to be true to us and reveal something that the audience may not have known before watching the film.

I really enjoyed this project because I was able to talk about anything I wanted to. I love the city, and I wanted to capture on film how it was important to me and how it made me feel. This was one of my favorite projects and I think it really allowed me to be creative.