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I chose this ensemble for my self portrait because each object represents a piece of me:

  • The boots are my sense of style and self. I’ve developed a fairly “edgy” sense of style as I’ve progressed through high school because that’s the aesthetic that fits me best. If you knew me before Freestyle, you’d know that I wore those boots nearly every single day (until they broke) so they are a very big part of my identity. To me it also shows that I’m not afraid to stand my ground strongly. It represents my self confidence because nothing will make you feel as powerful as a pair of combat boots.
  • The amp shows how loud I am. one of the best single word descriptions of me is “loud”. I am constantly talking and yelling and laughing and I’m not ashamed of that. Being loud is just who I am, and what better way to represent that than with an appliance designed to make instruments loud?
  • My ukulele represents my love of music. I’ve been playing various instruments since I was 7 years old and singing basically since I could speak. I was raised on my dad’s music and thus it’s a language that’s really important to me. At any given moment I’m either listening to music or I’m tuned out playing a song in my head. It’s truly an inseparable part of me.
  • Finally, the Worm-on-A-String represents two different things: my sense of humor and Freestyle. I’m a very giggly person and i’m just constantly cracking jokes no matter what. I’d like to think I have a fairly good sense of humor but it can be really stupid and silly at time. And that’s what makes me who I am. I found the Worm on the first week at Freestyle. My friends and I all agreed to raise the worm (who’s name is Bastard, I believe) together. It was one of the first moments where I felt truly at home at Freestyle, so this weird fuzzy creature weirdly means a lot to me.
