• current events
    (Aperture=5.6, ISO=7.1, Shutter Speed= 1/50) This photo was taken in Los Angeles about a month ago. A month ago was also when the oscars took place. I wanted to take a picture in LA so it could represent the current event of the oscars.
  • Creative staged + depth of field
    (Aperture=5.6, ISO=7.1, Shutter Speed= 1/50) For this weeks theme, I wanted to choose a picture of a Jellyfish I took. This jellyfish glows naturally in the dark, and the contrast from the gold-ish yellow with the blue background allows the jellyfish to be isolated from the background, emphasizing a depth of field.
  • Deadly sins
    (Aperture=5.6, ISO=7.1, Shutter Speed= 1/50) For my photo, I wanted to make it funny by making the main sin gluttony and portraying a horse as gluttonous, because they are always eating grass.
  • Musical
    (Aperture=5.6, ISO=7.1, Shutter Speed= 1/50) In this photo, I wanted to portray music by showing a photo of me at an amazing concert.
  • Viewpoint
    (Aperture=5.6, ISO=7.1, Shutter Speed= 1/50) In this photo, I positioned my model in the middle of the frame, for her to be the focal point. I wanted to make this viewpoint funny, so I added my model eating pizza and brought bright colors to highlight her and the pizza
  • Film Noir
    (Aperture=5.6, ISO=7.1, Shutter Speed= 1/50) While researching Film Noir, I noticed a lot of the photos had dramatic lighting with a large contrast between black and white. For this photo, I put my model in a chair in the studio and put one light on the side of her and turned the other light off….
  • Small versus large
    (Aperture=1.6, ISO=250, Shutter Speed= 1/60) I wanted to show the difference between two natural shapes, a flower and a raindrop, and show how small and varied the raindrops are as they sit on the flower.
  • Color theory
    (Aperture=1.6, ISO=250, Shutter Speed= 1/60) This was taken at an exhibition to the SF MOMA I visited last weekend. It was a box filled with repeated reflections through circular colors. It was memorizing and looked like an alternate reality so I wanted to capture the moment through a picture. I then edited the picture to…
  • Long shutter speed
    (Aperture=1.6, ISO=250, Shutter Speed= 1/60) This was a self timer photo I took many years ago with my friend Tegan. It was taken in the dark as we were dancing and I remember being so happy in this time and I hope to take that happiness into the new year with me
  • The elements
    (Aperture=1.6, ISO=250, Shutter Speed= 1/60) This weeks photo blog was to take a photo of earth, wind, rain, and spirit. My favorite element is water. Ever since I was little my favorite place on earth were Brazilian Beaches. I loved walking across the warm sand, feeling the hot sun on my skin, seeing the vendors…
  • Low angles
    (Aperture=1.6, ISO=250, Shutter Speed= 1/60) For this photo blog we had to shoot an image at a low angle. I was so excited because I love close up shots at weird perspectives. I found this beautiful and tall tree and squatted below it to get the lowest shot I could. I then edited the photo…
  • Silhouettes
    (Aperture=1.6, ISO=250, Shutter Speed= 1/60) This weeks photoblog theme was Silhouettes. While at the beach, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to take this photoblog. I saw this beautiful lamp post as the light was going down, I shot it in the left third of the frame, then edited it to make the…
  • Grateful
    (Aperture=1.6, ISO=250, Shutter Speed= 1/60) To do this weeks photo blog (who I am grateful for) I wanted to use an objective correlative to portray someone that i love with my whole heart: My grandpa. My grandpa is a German Brazilian man who loves cars. One of the moments where we bond the most is…
  • Rule of Thirds – Emotion
    (Aperture=1.6, ISO=250, Shutter Speed= 1/60) For this rule of thirds picture I wanted to portray an emotion and that emotion was goofy. My cat is clearly one of a kind and I love him with my whole heart. I put him in the left side of the frame making the perspective look like he has…
  • Color Without Color
    (Aperture=1.6, ISO=250, Shutter Speed= 1/60) This weeks photo blog was to take a colorful photo and edit the color out. I wanted to take a famous image that I took when I was in Las Vegas of the iconic “Welcome to Las Vegas” Sign. I thought it would be the perfect symbol because this iconic…
  • Who Inspires You
    (Aperture=1.6, ISO=250, Shutter Speed= 1/60) My cousin who lives in Brasil inspires me every day, as a genuine and kind human and as an artist. She makes money doing commission and attending fairs where she sells her art and has beaten the starving artist stereotype. I love her and I can’t wait to grow into…
  • Fill The Frame
    (Aperture=1.6, ISO=250, Shutter Speed= 1/60) The assignment for this week’s photo blog was to fill the frame with one color, I chose my favorite color: orange. I saw this beautiful flower while walking down a farmers market in Los Angeles. My dad and I had a competition about who could take the best picture of…
  • Friends and Family
    This picture encapsulates my family perfectly. It was taken years ago when iPhone cameras were not up to the current standards. It is a light-hearted selfie that my dad took. I love this picture and I think it shows the personality of my family members well.
  • Facial Symmetry
    (Aperture=1.6, ISO=250, Shutter Speed= 1/60) For this photo, I used my friend as a model and I used a camera as a prop. I put him center frame and angeled his face toward the camera. I edited the colors to make the background darker and the subject brighter. I think this effectively encompasses facial symmetry.
  • Reflections
    (Aperture=1.6, ISO=250, Shutter Speed= 1/60) In this photo, I wanted to show reflections in an unconventional way: through rain droplets. While in Washington D.C. I went on a tour of the important historical monuments and it started to rain and I took pictures and the raindrops reflected the monuments. I edited the photo to blur…
  • Your Culture
    This photo blog theme hits very close to home for me. My parents moved from a small town in Brazil to the Bay Area in the 1990s. Ever since I was young I struggled with determining my identity- if I was American or Brazilian. I am writing my college essay about my dual identity and…
  • Exit
    When thinking of the word exit many things infiltrate your mind. A new accomplishment, a sad goodbye, a different opportunity, the unknown. I wanted to portray the feeling of exiting conceptually, with something that can be interpreted differently by each viewer: an eye. My subject’s eye can appear to be laughing, grinning, crying, fearful, etc….
  • Geometry
    This week’s theme was geometry and I wanted to take a photo that showed organic elements along with geometry elements. To compose this photo I lowered all lights in the room. and centered the camera to the main light, I placed my hand in various positions so that the light from the lamp would highlight…
  • Flowers
    This week’s theme was flowers and I wanted to show a “Wes Anderson” style of flower. I choose these bright yellow flowers and edited the photo to make it as saturated as possible to give the hyperbolic feel that Wes Anderson’s movies usually give.
  • Leading Lines
    For this week’s prompt, we were instructed to use leading lines to show photography. I wanted to take a picture of the egg on avocado toast using an unconventionally close angle that leaves the viewer trying to guess what the food could be. The eggs get smaller as your eyes move to the left putting…
  • Tell A lie
    I wasn’t completely sure how to interpret this prompt, but I thought I would try. While at Petco, I saw this really interesting fish, and it kept looking at me so I wanted to take a picture of it but make it look like the fish was almost in space or a weird location that…
  • Stranger
    For this Photo, I took a picture of a stranger I thought looked really interesting. I felt her pose was almost staged because of how badass it looked. I couldn’t see her face but saw one of her hands sticking out of the car and thought I had to take a picture. I edited this…
  • Serenity
    The theme this week was serenity and I was immediately drawn to water. Ever since I was little I have always had a fascination with water, I think it’s because when I would visit my family in Brazil, my uncle would take me and my cousin to the beach, we would go deep in the…
  • Rule Of Odds
    The theme this week was rule of odds. I have never heard of it perviously, so I decided to do some research. Rule of odds utilizes using an odd number of subject points in order to create a more visually interesting image. I thought this subject was so interesting and I went to a stoplight…
  • Aging
    This Weeks theme was aging. I wanted to show childlike innocence in young adults with this photo. This photo has a beautiful story behind it. I was walking around school taking candids of people with my DSLR camera, when my friend ran into their friend and shared a genuine embrace. This photo was completely candid…
  • No Filter
    For this week’s theme, we were instructed to take a picture without a filter. While in LA, I found myself constantly surrounded by unique art. I remember seeing this beautiful flower contrasting with an orange traffic cone and I thought it strangely intriguing. I thought it would be perfect because a lot of the time…
  • Shadow
    The theme this week was “shadow”. I chose to interpret this conceptually more than visually. While at universal studios, I was in awe of each section replicating a movie or show I grew up with such as Springfield from The Simpsons, and Hogwarts from Harry Potter. I thought this structure was so surreal and beautiful…
  • Negative Space
    For this weeks theme, the instructions were to find a picture that showcased negative space. While I was in Los Angeles for februrary break, we went to a mulitude of museums containing not only art and history, but also beautiful structures such as this one in this photo. It rose and desecnds with hundres of…
  • Anonymous
    The theme this week was titled Anonymous and we were to supposed to interpret it however we liked. I decided I wanted sort of a dark feel. I shot at an angle making the viewer slight unsettled as well as leaving the brightness low to create a scarier feel. I also highlighted the grain to…
  • Center Frame Portrait
    This weeks theme was Center Frame Portraits and to do this I wanted to take my lamp and go inside the outer ring and photograph and isolate the bulb in the center of the frame. I think this made the bulb look abstract, detailed, and more interesting. I reshot the shot many times and had…
  • New Beginnings
    I was very excited when I saw this photo blog because lately I have started a new chapter of my life. I am working on myself, my passions, and my hobbies and a big part of that is my mental health. I am using this notebook to document my journey of self reflection and mental…
  • Trash
    For the theme trash, I had no idea what to do until I saw my scrub daddy which I got in exchange for a coke, lying in the dirty sink. I thought it would be an interesting photo to try and compose it so it would fit in the left third of the frame. I…
  • Balance in Holiday Traditions
    Every single year for Christmas my family and I argue over which tree to get and decorate it for hours. Although this seems basic, we have had added twist to this tradition every year. My dad is a film maker, so every year when we do the tree he films it and places it in…
  • Gift Stories
    The best gift I have ever gotten is my Cat, Blue. He is the best thing in the world and was a Christmas gift to me and my sister 8 years ago. We begged to get a cat for so long and finally visited him and fell in love. I put his favorite bow on…
  • Leading Lines
    The theme this week was leading lines and how they represent infinity. I took a picture of this tree going to so many different directions with leaves behind it. In this it represents infinity because the branches trace your eyes everywhere in the image.
  • White Balance
    In this weeks photoblog I was inspired by the theme white balance. In this photo, I took a picture of a flower on fire (which is one of my favorite things to take photos of), I then edited the white balance and hue to make it look unnaturally red
  • Love Story
    In this weeks photoblog, I wanted to portray a love story through different natural elements such as flowers of different colors and fire. I used red flowers i the background to symbolize love, the fire to symbolize passion/heartbreak and the main flowers to represent the person in love. I then edited this photo to have…
  • Symmetry Landscape
    This Photo was taken in a coffee shop and I found the variety of people in this photo very interesting so I wanted to take a picture representing that. Keeping in mind the symmetry I positioned the table in the middle of the photo and there are two people on either side creating balance as…
  • Weight Or Mass
    I took this photo while playing around for an assignment in design and I thought it fit the theme perfectly. The water and flower represent the light weight as the flowers float on the water that is perfectly filled to the brim.
  • Warmth
    This photo I took is chosen to represent warmth. Me and my sister haven’t lived together in a while since she moved off to college, but since she got back we like to do very specific things together, such as go to coffee shops. The day I took this we both went to Red Rock…
  • Rule Of Thirds Motion
    In this photo, there is a flower suffocating in a burnt-out flame in the left third of the photograph creating swirling smoke. This photo relates to the rule of thirds due to its placement on the left of the photo. I composed this photo with a candle, a flame, and a flower that was turned…
  • Mood
    This represents me in awe of every single beautiful piece I saw at the MOMA. It connects with inspiration because it inspired me to analyze and create dialogue about each piece that really interests me.
  • Self-Portrait
    I wanted to use this image as my self-portrait to represent me and my love for design. This was my typography project and it spells out my name using different shapes.