Narrative Visual Perspective in Digital Media


I have learned a lot about digital media, including the projects we have created and the tools and tips we have continued to learn. The primary project from which we learned was our “Mulit-Layer Project,” which combined our English work, our work on the world-building unit, and the story we created and were able to bring to life. To demonstrate and depict our concept and design, we used a variety of tools, including Photoshop, Illustrator, and paper. Together, my partner and I worked on various aspects of the design as we combined our thoughts to create this.We chose to create stacked wood art, which entails using Illustrator to create numerous layers that are then transferred to wood, displayed, and assembled using wood glue.

This is the hand-drawn representation of what my partner and I came up with and wanted to depict. Our story’s primary character is the woman in the middle; she is a brave 17-year-old. The structures in the background stand in for Eden’s expansive metropolis. To give our image depth, the wavy lines beneath the woman symbolize water.

Pictures of the Progress

Here are images showing the development of the undertaking from the very beginning to the very end. I utilized many of the tools that I have learned in digital media and design for this exciting and enjoyable endeavor.

Reflection/artist statement

This Project has been a fantastic way to use art and creativity to comprehend the tips and techniques we have learned throughout this semester. I was able to elaborate on this idea because of it. Together with three of my classmates, I wrote a story for our English world building unit in which we created the characters, scenes, and scenarios. Everything was carefully considered, from the specifics in the charters to the specifics of what occurs in each scenario.The hardest part of this project was using creativity to fill up this design with art because we had to squeeze in all the designs that we wanted. I used Photoshop and Illustrator as my primary Adobe applications, applying everything we have learned over the course of the year to this project.I learned a lot from this project, from the teamwork required to make it happen, from looking at every challenge we encountered and working to solve it as a team, and from making sure we managed everything delicately and carefully so as not to jeopardize the project.Overall, this was a fantastic experience that allowed us a lot of creative freedom.