Max Weber's Website

My Family

Our families determine who we become more than any other factor. They determine how we look, speak, dress, converse, and how we deal with adversity. My family determines who I am because of their influences on my life. Their mixture of personalities, choices, and actions created who I am today.





This is my dad, Andreas. He's a very serious but highly intelligent person. His work ethic is incredible and has an awesome choice in movies. One thing I did inherit from him was his athleticism. We are both very active people and enjoy sports.




This is my mom, Miriam. She is an excellent photographer and also where I get my artistic side from. She is also a great chef and can make the best empanadas that I've ever had. She's very empathic and understanding of others.




This is my older sister, Sarah. Like me, she also went to Freestyle Academy and she inspired me to go as well. She is very artistic but also very connected to almost every source of media. She has a vast knowledge of trivia and is studying Tv production.




This is my little sister, Eva. Like a lot of little kids, she has way to much energy to keep up with. She's a very athletic and artistic person as well. She's also very intelligent and observant.