
The prompt for this photo was “shadows”. I thought that it was pretty neat that the shadow of one lampost pointed to the next, similar to how a lights are used to show a path of where you are supposed to go.


They prompt for this photo was to use a macro lens to take a picture of someone’s eye and that’s about it. Here is my friend’s eye, using my other friend’s macro lens.

Center Frame Portrait

The prompt for this photo was to isolate a subject by putting them in the center of a frame. This shot is of my sister standing at the edge of a view from a hike. She looks out into the distance feeling accomplished of what she has complete so far.

New Beginnings

The prompt for this photo was “Our world is full of circular patterns; as some things end, others begin. Tell us a Story of a New Beginning”. I knew I wanted to take a picture of a new sprout because it they are embodiment of the life cycle and I will never pass up an opportunity to take a picture […]


The prompt for this photo was “water is precious and beautiful” not anything more, not anything less. As I went on a hike, I came across this small river. I decided to use a fast shutter speed that capture the water in that moment, but I like how you can still feel the motion and flow behind it.

Balance in Holiday Traditions

The prompt for this photo was balance in holiday traditions. Interpreted this as showing one of the holiday traditions that my family has. We always drive up this road to reach the Christmas Tree lot where we can cut down the tree ourselves. We would play a game where before the trip stats we would guess the number of Christmas […]

White Balance

The prompt of this week was to use white balance to make a photo that is not necessarily color accurate. I decided to make the phot more warm because I think it portrays the feeling of fall better, which I am still clinging onto as the current season (I just don’t like winter as much). It was pretty fun to […]

Leading Lines

The prompt of this photo was “use leading lines to show the concept of infinity”. I knew that I could easily use a gate or floorboards to make leading lines, but I really wanted to do something else. I eventually gave up and took a photo in my elementary school garden, but as I was leaving I realized that the […]


The prompt for this photo was to take a picture of a sunset. I choose this day to take the picture because there were a lot of clouds, but they ended up being hard to see from the angle I took. Nevertheless, I still liked how this photo turned out and had a lot of fun staring at the sun […]